I know what you’ve done. You’re terrible. Generations from now your great great great grandkids will lower their heads and be silent when your actions are mentioned. 

You’re a dirty save scummer and there’s no hiding it. 

Look, we’ve all done it. You make a choice in a game and you load an old save. Unlike real life in the digital world we don’t always have to face the repercussions of our own actions. And why should we if the option, albeit sometimes through a last resort alt+F4 press, presents itself. Like a certain muscle-bound 80s icon once exclaimed, “I HAVE THE POWER!” In games you do, so exercise it, right? Why’s it gotta feel so dirty? Perfection must be attained!

Iron Danger turned that notion into an actual game mechanic. Here’s how it’s described:

The core of Iron Danger is its unique time control mechanic. You can rewind time for up to 5 seconds whenever you want, trying different strategies and combinations of moves until you find the right one for the task at hand.

The time manipulation allows us to combine real-time combat gameplay with controls from more traditional, tactical turn-based combat games. This gives tactical combat a puzzle-like element, as you can continuously keep trying new approaches to turn impossible odds to your advantage and synchronize the actions of your characters for the perfect outcome.

Has any game done this before? Let us know in Discord. We are certainly not all-knowing. Collectively, we can get close. 

Continuing with Iron Danger, here’s a bit from the bio:

  • Adventure in a world of steampunk fantasy and meet its unique inhabitants inspired by Finnish folklore.
  • Fight epic boss monsters on the path to fulfill your destiny.
  • No grinding; character progression pace is controlled by the story and every fight matters.
  • 15+ hours of gameplay

No grinding? Finnish folklore? Sign me up!

If you’re a fan of turn-based games, you might find this one cozy. At least that’s what I’m expecting before I jump in. Newcomers or people who’ve sat on the sidelines watching turn-based games happen, this looks like something you can comfortably dip your toe in. 

Join me in playing it this week and let’s give this Finnish(!) game some attention. 
