Robot Cache and WAX have partnered up! WAX has created a full suite of blockchain-based tools that allows anyone to trade digital or even physical items instantly and securely. Participants of the Worldwide Asset eXchange gain access to a global community of collectors and traders. Check out more details surrounding the Robot Cache and WAX partnership.

Robot Cache and WAX Partnership

As part of our strategic partnership, the WAX community will be part of the Robot Cache Early Access service when it goes live. In addition, they have an opportunity to earn free IRON.

To kick off our partnership, we decided to run a giveaway of Robot Cache WAX Stickers!

Robot Cache and WAX Partnership

Participants are able to earn a Robot Cache WAX Sticker just for taking part in the first official Robot Cache X WAX event. Participants with the most creative, correct answer could earn a special edition Gold version.

Here are the details:

UPDATE: Thank you all for participating!

The WAX giveaway has ended, but we’re super grateful for everyone who was a part of it. We will continue to run awesome promotions with partners we believe in.


About Robot Cache

Robot Cache is the world’s first videogame marketplace with a revolutionary digital resale model. We’re committed to disrupting game distribution, making it more fair, transparent and secure. 

Our groundbreaking economic model is a victory for both PC gamers and game developers alike. We share in only 5% of the transactions, so game makers keep more profits to reinvest in making more great games. For gamers, buy games, play games, and for the first time ever…resell your digital purchases! Our innovative mining feature also allows you to mine and be rewarded in IRON, which can be used to earn more games!

If you’re interested in Robot Cache, head over to our signup page to become a Robot Cache Founder and receive:

  • Access before the general public
  • Founder’s Mining Boost
  • Name Reservation 
  • Founder‘s Badge 
  • FREE IRON, When You Refer A Friend 


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