We all have our mountain – a daunting near-insurmountable challenge, peaceful in its repose, compelling us with equal parts temptation and trepidation.  It’ll take time to climb. It will take preparation. You need to be physically and mentally ready for the joyous labors ahead. 

Wasteland 3 isn’t particularly long. It isn’t particularly daunting in its difficulty. What it promises  is a dense, exceptionally-crafted, award-winning post-apocalyptic RPG. That’s terrifying.

Here’s my “it’s not you it’s me” plea… 

Wasteland’s sat in my queue since launch. I’ve sampled it only in long, extended sessions. I’ve extolled its depth and maturity to anyone within earshot, the willing or unwilling alike. Yet I never finished.

When I play I can’t put it down. I overthink every situation and read deeply into the lore. I find it all too easy to obsess over every bit of text I stumble across. Worst of all, I am burdened by a sense of “what did I miss” or “how could I have done things differently?” On paper it’s the perfect game–doubly so for its excellent co-op–and an experience I shared with friends and family from California to Minnesota. 

Great media sometimes scares me because I worry that I lack the language to properly converse in its greatness. Like a cro magnon with a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild, I fear that my glee will come off like primitive  grunts and gestures. I don’t want to walk away when it’s this good. 

Now that it’s free for a limited time (get it here), maybe you all can help me work up the courage to finish this masterpiece. So hop over to our discord, share your spoiler-free experience, favorite moments and more.