I played Partisans 1941. Then I stopped playing Partisans 1941. In total it was for 3.4 hours. I should go back to Partisans 1941. Here’s why.

If you’re a fan of real-time tactics, get it. There’s a lot to like here, especially if you’ve played the Commandos series. Voice acting’s empathetic, characters are likeable, and all systems are go. Really. It’s a well done charming game that handles its narrative with the right of kind respect and panache. We need these games. 

So why did I stop playing? Because I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot who needs to play things on the hardest setting with all the difficult bells and whistles enabled and I lacked the patience necessary to do what I set out to do. 

Starting over is a given in these games. I think at any level. Maybe not easy. I can’t recall playing anything below normal (I know I know please hold your clapping). On the hardest setting of Partisans 1941 I hit an inflection point of restarting too often and breaking the immersion. Like I said, I’m an idiot. 

Don’t be like me. Play this one on a difficulty that’s comfortable and see it through to the end. Then chime in on our Discord and let us know what you think. I’m going to vicariously live through and maybe through the collective enthusiasm you’ll will my ego into submission so I can play it on normal without feeling my age. 

Here’s the game’s description:

Take control of a group of Partisans resisting the German occupation Eastern Front during World War II.

Plan and initiate combat your way. Use tactical pause, study the environment and choose the best position to set up an ambush.

Build up your resistance camp hidden deep in the woods and find allies to join your cause. Form squads of unique Partisans and undertake diverse missions to undermine enemy forces and infrastructure, while securing resources desperately needed to sustain the resistance.

Experience a dramatic and unique chapter of World War II and become a Red Army commander behind enemy lines.

Get the game here!
