“Flow is a cognitive state where one is completely immersed in an activity—from painting and writing to prayer and surfboarding. It involves intense focus, creative engagement, and the loss of awareness of time and self.” – Psychology Today

Watching trailers and gameplay for King’s Bird all I think of is flow. “How much mastery does it take to reach that mountaintop? Will I fail and get frustrated along the way?” These are never questions one asks in pursuit of flow. King’s Bird gameplay looks smooth and silky with a gentle inviting aesthetic – a perfect experience to get lost in. 

So why is it sitting in the pile of shame? 

I bought one copy for my wife. She loved it. Recommended it. And it fell through the cracks. I even failed playing it as a requested discussion piece for us. 

Big fail. 

Maybe by now she forgot. I can win points by finally playing, right?

Help me, Robot Cache community. You’re my only hope. Help me understand this game on a deeper level so I can espouse all its nuance with equal whimsy and beauty to my better half. 

If you want to join in, you can get the game here. And if you want to join the discussion, here’s a link to our Discord