We’d like to think of ourselves as modest folks here at Robot Cache, heads down toiling away quietly as we build a better industry for all (nevermind the creatures in marketing). We believe in show over tell. Do the work. Don’t brag. 

Changing the world doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen without the right kind of partners. Right now it’s time for us to look up and speak up about a longtime ally in the news. 

Here’s an excerpt from an article titled If You Can Only Buy One Blockchain Stock, It Better Be One of These 3 Names

A good reason to pick up AMD shares now is that Robot Cache, a unique digital game distributor that allows gamers to sell used digital games, is exiting its beta phase after three years. The platform, which operates on blockchain technology, enables gamers to buy games and sell them once they’re done playing. It splits the revenue from the games sold between developers and sellers. This is a great step in the right direction, and is an excellent example of how blockchain can serve real-world utility for everyday users.

We’re grateful for AMD’s continued support in Robot Cache and the journey to build a more equitable game industry for consumer and creator alike. And we’re delighted our successes using blockchain technology are being recognized as a defining use-case in gaming. We look forward to expanding our footprint with new games and functionality in the near and far future. 

As reminder, or if you’re new here, you can learn more about us at our new freedom page. Robot Cache – Reclaim Your Freedom

And don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast where we talk to the community and host weekly interviews. Check out the Podcast here!

There. After a little bit of external praise we feel we can go back to our day to day tasks. Because the way these things work the entire company halts while a blog is written. I hear it’s a San Diego thing, man. Like socks and sandals in the workplace. Like a great San Diegan once said ‘When in Rome’. 

  • RCGinger